Friday, August 8, 2008

The Visitor Guide

Hey all. Here are all the steps you need to pass the gruesome alien game The Visitor.

Super Happy Adventure Time (15 points)
Always One Survivor (15 points)

The Lake
1. Click on the tree branch to make it fall.
2. Click the floating branch to send your little guy onto it.
3. Click on the frog to...dang,I guess it's game over..oh wait! yeah, your little guy got bigger now.
4. Click on the hole where the branch was to send the bird over to it.
5. Click on the stump the bird was on to tip it over.
6. Click on the fishing pole to place it on the stump.
7. Click on your meteor to send a fish to the pole.
8. Click on your little alien buddy to have him sit on the pole.
9. Click on the fishing pole 5 times to send your alien to...

The House (Outside)
10. Click on the apple corner to eat it and vomit on the web to get the cats attention.
11. Jump for the doorknob...but you can't open it. :/
12. Click on the hole in the side of the house...dang cat notices you again.
13. Click on the top of the door to bring down a branch to get the cats attention away from the hole as you go through it.
14. Click the Blue knob, then the yellow one.
15. Now you're back where you started. Click on the cat to...eww never mind.
16. Click on the doorknob to get to...

The House (Kitchen)
17. Click the top of the blender.
18. Click on an orange to put it in the blender.
19. Turn on the blender then open the lid.
Here you have to be quick while the lady is distracted.
20. Turn on the sink faucet.
21. Open the top left drawer.
22. Click on the knife to put it on the drawer.
23. Okay, she's dead. Now click on the AC control next to you 3 times to get the vent cover off.
24. Click on your alien to hop onto the counter.
25. Click on the light bulb to swing to the vent.
26. Click on the vent to go to...

The House (Bedroom)
27. Click on the vent cover to open it.
28. Click on the fish below to kill it.
29. Click on the bird to release it.
30. Click on your alien to have him hop down and knock over some birdseed.
31. Click on the pile of clothes to hide.
32. After the bird has gone down, click on it to eat it.
33. Click on the pile of clothes to reveal your new alien.
34. The man in the top bunk has his mouth open. Tsk tsk. Click on him to show him the error of snoring.
35. Click on your alien to have him hop down.
36. Click on the boy on the bottom bunk to kill him.

The House (Bathroom)
It seems one is left. Click on anything in the room besides the door to kill him for the first badge or...

Saving this last man is the hardest part of the game. You need to know what to do and the reflexes to do it.

37. Click on the door.
38. Click on the toilet paper, then on the toilet, then flush the toilet.
39. Click on the bathtub faucet.
40. Open the right drawer for the hair dryer. Click on it.
41. Click on the outlet to plug it in.
42. Click on the sink faucet to fill it, then on the sink to put the hair dryer in and blow open the left drawer for the gun.
43. Click on the gun to shoot the alien, then pistol whip it twice for good measure.

Saving this man's life will get you the second badge.

There you go! The solutions for both badges in The Visitor.

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