Thursday, August 21, 2008

Challenge - 8/21/08 - 8/28/08

Woot, Epic War has finally gotten badges! :D

Okay, let's discuss the challenge, then maybe I'll do a review and walkthrough tomorrow. Not feeling up to it right now...

Okay, so, for this challenge, you have to get to level 5 in Epic War. If you've already gotten to that point or beyond, just load your game, save, and wait a bit. The card will come to you instantly. Yay!

But if you haven't gotten that far, here are a few pointers: First off, the game involves a lot of grinding, playing the same level over and over until you get a bunch of EXP, then upgrade like crazy. Rinse and repeat. Doing this will not only help you reach the end, but fully upgrading arrows and troops will get you two medium badges and 30 points. Another suggestion is to master the art of shooting the arrows. Victory relies mostly on the troops, but you have to work, too! If you practice, you'll know when your arrows will miss, hit the enemy, or hit your own troops! After a while, you'll probably get very good, and if you repeat lower levels, you'll get even better, as well as EXP. This game takes time to finish and the last fight is very hard, but it's a rewarding game - besides, you want the 65 points. Oh yes you do. I know it.

That's about all the advice I can give for now. Practice makes perfect, and grind like crazy!

Good luck and happy gaming!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

When u will review it? :D
btw me is rudy sudarto.
good blog here.