Friday, August 8, 2008

Bubble Tanks 2 Guide

Bubble Tanks 2 isn't exactly a complicated game. Just move around and shoot. The most complicated aspect is probably which class to choose. While most people can just go to the chat and ask what upgrade to get, some might want a professional opinion. Well, I've played through this game a few times, so you could call me professional, I guess. But whatever.

First, let's talk about the weekly challenge - Kill 200 enemies. There are 7 days left to complete this challenge at the moment. That should be enough time, right? Well, you have to kill them all in one game. For the most part, it's really not too hard, but I'll go ahead and post the upgrades I made my first time through. Keep in mind, I beat the game this first time through, so maybe you should get these upgrades.

  1. Balanced
  2. Balanced Fighter #1
  3. Fighter #3
  4. Sniper #2
  5. Ghost Sniper

Those worked out for me. Ghost Snipers rule, by the way. Can you say "Press space and you become intangible"? Oh yeah.

Anyway, you should have gotten 200 kills by then. If not, kill some more. As for the other two badges, just run around until you find the bosses. You can't miss the big boss. When you enter his bubble, he wraps around it and covers the whole thing. There are four things for you to shoot. I shot them in this order: Top-middle, top-right, top-left, bottom. I don't think it matters much, though. Protip: Upon defeating the boss, you become invincible, so searching for the other four isn't much of a hassle.

And finally, here are some pictures of the BFT, Destructor, Tri Guardian, and Spawn Carrier. They come at random, but at least you know what to look for. Thanks to Aestin for the Tri Guardian and Spawn Carrier. (while writing this review, I came across a Tri Guardian, but Aestin still beat me to it.)

Annnnd... That about wraps it up, I think. Not much else to say. If there's something more you'd like added, whisper me in my Kongregate profile. Thanks for reading, and I hope this helped!

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