Monday, August 11, 2008

Challenge - 8/12/08 - 8/19/08

Hey all! I lucked out! The challenge was updated earlier than I thought, so I'm here with the guide with no delay! Let's do this.

Okay, the challenge game is Intrusion, a 2D shoot 'em up. I super lucked out, because I can't give much advice. Like BT2, this game is all action and there isn't much to say but "SHOOT TEH PPLZ AND ULL GET TEH CARD", so...

Yeah. Shoot teh pplz and you'll get the card. You should get 10k points by the time you finish level 1. Just in case, keep an eye on your points in the top right corner. In order to get this challenge and the badges completed, you have to die. Seriously. Once you hit 10k, let everything just murder you and you get the card. Nice.

There are three badges. The usual easy, a medium, and a hard. I've gotten the easy and the card, so I'll get the other two sometime tomorrow. I'll also review Intrusion as the front-pager on Daily Reviews! After that, all that's left is Territory Wars Online. Now you may be wondering, what's left after that if the front page isn't updated!? Well, that section of Daily Reviews is cut until there is. Call it what you want, I'm just lazy and it's a good excuse.

Anyway, that does it for me. I'm hitting the hay so I can have a good first day at work. *shudder*

Good luck and happy gaming!


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