Friday, August 8, 2008

Johnny Rocketfingers Guide

Sup everyone. This time I will tell you all how to help that suppish guy Johnny Rocketfingers save the day. I'm not gonna waste my breath here so let's get to it.

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After some witty dialogue and sexual innuendo, you will eventually find yourself outside of the bar. Head to the alley first.

In the alley, pick up the can from the ground, then go to the garbage can on the right for a dead fish. Click on the dumpster to get a crowbar, then click on the cat and use the fish. Now head to the local thug hang out.

At the entrance a bouncer stops you, introduce him to your new feline friend and head inside.

Inside, click on the crate to get a barbie doll, then on the 2x4 to pick it up. Click on the barbie doll to distract the guard and use the 2x4 to knock him out. Take the barely visible gun the guard had.

Now there are two guards. Use the soup can to distract them so you can shoot them with the shotgun. Afterwards, pick up the guards pistol. Click on the door to find that it's locked. Use your crowbar to pry it open...but it's ineffective. Time to use JOHNNY POOOOOWER!!

After the cutscene, you'll find yourself in a prison. If you look on the right wall, you'll see a needle sticking out. Click on it to untie yourself. Now find a way out. Click on the right pile of filth on the ground to get a screwdriver. Click on the screwdriver and use it on the slot on the door to bend it. Now use your bent screwdriver to pry open the window and escape!

Watch the humorous ending cutscene and enjoy your 15 points. :)

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