Tuesday, August 12, 2008

All "Hot New Games" Mini-Reviews!

Yes, here I am with reviews of every on of the Hot New Games. By mini reviews, I mean just that. These reviews are slightly shorter, have no images of gameplay, and... Actually, those are the only differences. If you'd like a more in-depth review of one of these games, it won't be much different. Anyway, let's continue.

Clear Vision 2
CV2 is the sequel to the hit sniper game, Clear Vision 1. In a nutshell, you're a hitman completing a number of requests over the internet (that's right, the internet is where hitmen meet!) until the cops catch on to you and a secret organization hires you. That's about it. There's a plot twist at the end I won't spoil, but that's the plot. Pretty decent, but nothing special. Anyway, as for the gameplay, it's a stickmen sniper game. Tons have been made and they're starting to lose their appeal if you ask me. However, although CV2 doesn't bring anything new to the concept, it's a solid game The controls are good, there are a good number of missions, and the difficulty level is pretty easy. There's music on occasion, but when it comes on, it's good music. The sound effects are good, especially the blinking sound effect when you're on the computer. The graphics? Well, it's stickmen. I know stickmen are classic in most flash games, but I have to be fair here. Stickmen are not really too hard to draw or good to look at. And for replayability, there isn't much reason to replay this game. Once you beat it, you beat it, it's done. There are no badges yet, but I think there is API, so there is some remote replay value. Overall, CV2 is a good game for what it is, but nothing super cool or revolutionary.

Gameplay: 3/5

Music: 5/5

Sound: 5/5

Graphics: 2/5

Replayability: 2/5

Overall: 17/25, 3/5

Merlin's Revenge 2
After Merlin's Revenge 3 was uploaded, tbm_steve uploaded MR1 and MR2 by popular demand. MR1 didn't hit the front page, but MR2 made it to glory. Anyway, MR2 is an arcade style game, and you play as Merlin the wizard. It's all about running around and clicking on enemies over and over until either your finger falls off or the enemy dies. It's an action game with a twist or two and a decent plot, but nothing special. There is no music and the sound is nothing special. The graphics are, well, a bunch of sprites, which really supports the "old school arcade game" idea. There isn't much replay value, nor much feeling to play this game at all. It's okay for a while, but it gets boring.

Gameplay: 3/5

Music: 0/5

Sound: 2/5

Graphics: 3/5

Replayability: 1/5

Overall: 9/25, 2/5


This has been Obeliskos.
