Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Buried Treasure Week #3

BROOKLYN RAGE! What is with this Buried Treasure Week? All of these games deserve to be overlooked! Let's take this week's game, for example. Parachute Retrospect. The point of this game is to drop stickmen unto fluffy white stuff attached to trucks. You are a helicopter, BTW, in case you couldn't tell from the title. (dummy!) Anyway, the challenge of this game is that every 5 saves you do, you get an extra obstacle that stops you from dropping the stickmen safely. First it's just missiles, then it's a laser type thing, then spikes from the ground, etc. etc. The problem(s) with this game include the fact that it is WAY too hard. The obstacles begin to pile up around 30-40 saves, and it becomes almost impossible to get a stickmen in the white stuff safely. Another problem is the graphics. It's way too simplistic, and for good reason. Come on, it's stickmen. Not much you can do to improve stickmen. Anyway, the sound and music are both decent. Eventually, I got so annoyed with the game that I just killed my little stickmen on purpose. Overall, the gameplay and graphics, the two most important parts of the game, make it a piece of shit.

Overall:7/25 1/5

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