1) Pick up the razor and comb on the table, then the soap next to the toilet. You'll see a cutscene.
2) Use the razor on the orange jumpsuit.
3) Click on the fabric ripped off, then click on the burning flesh to pick it up.
4) Click on the burning flesh, not in your inventory, and use it on the locking mechanism on the jail gates. Click outside to leave the cell.
5) Pick up the guard's revolver. (I haven't found a use for it yet, but it's nice to have a gun.)
6) Talk to the insane prisoner. Order: 3rd choice, 3rd choice. He'll go insane and you'll get a can of deodorant. Yay. Go to the Corridor.
7) Cut off the mutilated guard's hand. Combine it with soap and go back to your cell. Drop it in the toilet to wash it, then go back to the Corridor. Go left to the Hallway.
8) Use the hand on the hand print scanner. Go inside the room.
9) Pick up the exit sign. Don't bother talking to the guard yet, he's insane right now. Click on the hand, then click on the guards head to slap him.
10) Now talk to the guard. Order: 3rd choice, 3rd choice. You'll get a cutscene where the poor guard gets killed. Well, it's implied. You don't SEE it happen though. Anyway, go back to the Corridor. Use the Exit sign with Hanging Nail, right above the door, then go up to More Cells.
11) Talk to the sane prisoner. Order: 1st choice, 2nd choice. You'll get a cutscene then end up in the hallway.
12) Another cutscene. The beast eats the sane guy. While he is feasting on the poor soul, head back to the Control Room.
13) Grab the matches and go back out.
14) Combine the matches with the deodorant to use as a flamethrower of sorts.
15) Use it on the beast. You'll get a cutscene where the beast grabs the protagonist, but of course uses the flamethrower on the beast. The door will explode and you'll break out of prison, the game completed.
That does it for the guide. Let's begin the review.
Well, this game is a point-and-click game. You know, environmental interaction, there are a lot of games like this. For example, The Visitor. Now, before I continue, bear in mind, I don't really like these kinds of games. Well anyway, the plot is that you're a prisoner in a jail when a beast is set loose and you have to kill it and get out alive. Now, since it's an interaction game, the game can't rely on gameplay, since there isn't much. Luckily, the other aspects of the game are quite good. There are short cutscenes when you do certain things, which is cool. There is creepy music to set the mood, the sound effects are decent, and there's even some voice acting. While the voice acting in this game is no Sonny, it's still pretty decent voice clarity. The graphics are pretty good, too. Nothing fantastic, but not an eyesore. The animation is good, especially in the cutscenes. Aside from that, there isn't much else to talk about. Well, I could mention the puzzles. Yeah, I'll do that.
Well, the puzzles in this game are pretty easy to figure out. In fact, you could probably beat the whole game in no more than 15 minutes without the help of a walkthrough. However, some parts may leave some people stumped, which is why I wrote that walkthrough. But nothing really got me stuck for more than 30 seconds before I figured out what to do. The puzzles are decent, but they're no Johnny Rocketfingers (which Aestin is currently making a walkthrough for ^_^). Er.. Well, I think that about covers it. There isn't much else to talk about. Overall, this is a pretty decent point-and-click interaction game with good music and sound, decent voice acting, and okay puzzles. Worth one playthrough, but nothing more unless you're writing a walkthrough.
Gameplay: 3/5
Music: 4/5
Sound: 4/5
Graphics: 4/5
Replayability: 0/5
Overall: 16/25, 3/5
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