Not many people play this, but I made this walkthrough anyway. Hope it helps! Recited entirely from memory, so there might be some mistakes. If that's the case, let me know and I'll change it. On with the walkthrough.
Get the gun from under the carpet and grab the key in the corner. Unlock the door and go left. Grab the medkit, go back, and go right. Your first zombie encounter! Blast them to oblivion and move forward. Kill the axe girl and go left. Kill the zombies and click on the painting. Click on the upper right hand corner and grab the note. Now go back and grab the crowbar on the ground. Go back to the room with the painting and use the crowbar on the boarded wood. Kill the axe girls and move forward. Go into the cellar. Warning, there is a zombie down there! So be ready! Kill the zombie, grab the medkit, and get the key on the left. Go back to the room with the painting and use the key on the locked door.
Go through the door and kill the zombies there. Go into the door on the left and kill the zombie. Click like crazy on the shelf in the back until you get 1) a piano key and 2) some machine gun ammo. Click the ceiling until a staircase to the attic falls. Go up the stairs. OMGZ, MUTANT THING!! Whatever, he's chained up... for now. Grab the pliers on the ground and go back down. Use the pliers to cut the chains and the mutant is let loose. Go back up and grab the machine gun on the ground. Go into the hole the mutant left and kill him. Click on the piano. Click on the piano key then click on the empty space where a key should be. Open up the note. The first two letters are the notes you need to play, in that order. If you did it correctly, a key appears on the piano. Pick it up and head back to the wine room. There is another key under the wine barrels. Go back to the room where you found the crowbar and use both keys to open the door.
Move forward to the window.. Now click the key... ZOMG, it's a scary ghost!!!!!! Kill her. Now go back. Kill the zombies there and pick up the items. Go down the stairs and go left. Kill the zombies and click on the right side of the painting for a blade. Go back and go into the pitch black area. You should be in a kitchen. Use the blade on the sack not moving and a cog falls out. Grab that and the box of matches on the left. Go back to the room with the painting (where you found the blade) and use the matches on the fireplace. A key will fall out. Go back up the stairs, use the key on the door on the left. Warning, scary axe girl OMG! Kill her and grab the shotgun and shotgun ammo, alone with a key under the bed. Go back and go into the master bedroom. Moar zombies!! Kill them and put the cog into the grandfather clock. After a while, a key should fall to the ground. Pick it up and go back to the room with the fireplace.
Now go through the door on the right and kill the two mutants!!! There was only one before and now there are two!! AAAAGH!! Yeah, kill them. You can pull it off with a pistol. Anyway, click the big door and yay! You've escaped the mansion!! Now all that's left is survivor mode and you've officially beaten the game. However, that's just killing zombies, so there's not much advice to give. Kill the zombies and you're done!!
Hope this helps! There's no badge yet, but if this game ever gets one, free points for you! =)
Well, Meat Mansion is basically an "escape the zombie mansion game", like the Resident Evil series. You click to pick up things and interact with your environment. There are times where you have to kill a variety of zombies, including an axe girl, a mutant, and a normal zombie, ratty hair and all. The environment is creepy and sets the mood. The graphics are good, the sound is great, and the game is overall fun. And now comes the nitpicking. Some of the moments in this game are pretty shallow, and... Um... Wow. I actually can't think of much to complain about. Hm.. Oh, I got it! It's too short. Every moment in the game has you on the edge of your seat in suspense, when suddenly a zombie or ghost pops out and scares the crap out of you. But once everything is killed and you've solved all the puzzles, you're left wanting more. Well, lucky for you action-lovers, there IS a survival mode. Mindless zombie killing in a first person perspective. But for you puzzle-lovers, there is nothing left for you once you've completed story mode. But it's really a good thing that a game leaves you wanting more once you've completed it. That's the sign of a great game, which this is. Meat Mansion is very underrated; with a lot of the popularity you see games getting on Kongregate, you wonder why your favorites aren't as popular. Well, sometimes it goes right over people's heads and they don't know it even happened.
Anyway, to all the readers, I highly suggest playing Meat Mansion. It's a very fun game that will make you think to get through the puzzles, quick with a trigger to kill the zombies, and who knows? It might even make you jump! Check it out sometime.
Gameplay: 5/5
Music: 0/5
Sound: 5/5
Graphics: 4/5
Replayability: 3/5
Overall: 17/25, 3/5
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