Monday, December 29, 2014

Dynetzzle Guide

The following is a picture guide for the game Dynetzzle.

Dynetzzle is a puzzle game focused on dice and the nets of dice.

As the game mentions, the net of a die is the formation obtained when the die is "unfolded."
Now, a valid die has its opposite sides sum up to seven, so the objective in this game is to place the numbers 1-6 in order to make all nets valid.
This is most easily understood in the first level, but of course things get harder as the levels go on.

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8

Level 9

Level 10

By completing all ten levels, you get the Spatial Brain-Bending badge!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Doodle God Guide

Well well, back again. This time with a guide for the game Doodle God.

Doodle God is a game where you play god, and you combine basic elements to create new elements.

This first part will be a guide in order, meaning that if you are starting out fresh you can follow this guide step by step and get all 115 elements.

If you have already started the game and are wondering what specific elements you may be missing, skip to the second part.


Fire + Air = Energy
Fire + Water = Alcohol
Fire + Earth = Lava
Water + Lava = Stone & Steam
Earth + Air = Dust
Air + Energy = Storm
Fire + Dust = Ash
Fire + Stone = Metal
Metal + Steam = Boiler
Metal + Energy = Electricity
Water + Alcohol = Vodka
Stone + Air = Sand
Fire + Sand = Glass
Water + Earth = Swamp
Energy + Swamp = Life
Life + Sand = Seeds
Life + Stone = Egg
Life + Swamp = Bacteria
Life + Water = Weeds
Life + Ash = Ghost
Seeds + Earth = Tree
Egg + Earth = Dinosaur
Egg + Swamp = Lizard
Egg + Sand = Turtle
Egg + Air = Bird
Swamp + Sand = Clay
Life + Clay = Golem
Life + Golem = Human
Human + Human = Sex
Human + Metal = Tools
Human + Dinosaur = Dinosaur + Blood
Human + Blood = Vampire
Human + Energy = Wizard
Tree + Life = Treant
Fire + Tree = Ash, Ash, and Coal
Tools + Tree = Wood
Human + Alcohol = Alcoholic
Tools + Wood = Wheel
Wood + Wheel = Cart
Coal + Boiler = Steam Engine
Wizard + Energy = Demigod
Bacteria + Water = Plankton
Bacteria + Swamp = Worm and Sulfur
Weeds + Swamp = Moss
Sand + Worm = Snake
Stone + Plankton = Shell
Bacteria + Plankton = Fish
Water + Wood = Boat
Water + Coal = Oil
Tools + Earth = Field
Seeds + Field = Wheat
Dinosaur + Fire = Dragon
Tools + Metal = Weapon
Human + Weapon = Hunter
Hunter + Bird = Meat, Feather, and Blood
Stone + Shell = Limestone
Human + Clay = Ceramics
Cart + Oil = Car
Tools + Snake = Poison
Human + Poison = Corpse
Life + Corpse = Zombie
Zombie + Corpse = Ghoul
Earth + Weeds = Mushroom
Storm + Bird = Thunderbird
Weapon + Hunter = Warrior
Warrior + Dragon = Hero and Blood
Alcohol + Wheat = Beer
Steam Engine + Cart = Locomotive
Weapon + Poison = Poisoned Weapon
Poisoned Weapon + Human = Assassin
Worm + Earth = Beetle
Air + Worm = Butterfly
Fire + Bird = Phoenix
Clay + Fire = Bricks
Wheat + Stone = Flour
Moss + Earth = Grass
Swamp + Moss = Fern
Water + Flour = Dough
Dough + Fire = Bread
Limestone + Clay = Cement
Beetle + Sand = Scorpion
Plankton + Fish = Whale
Car + Air = Airplane
Grass + Fire = Tobacco
Lizard + Earth = Beast
Beast + Cart = Chariot
Human + Beast = Domestic Animal
Human + Domestic animal = Wool, Meat, and Milk
Human + Stone = Hut
Beast + Vampire = Werewolf
Wood + Boat = Ship
Beast + Fish = Dolphin
Ship + Steam Engine = Steam Ship
Tools + Wool = Fabric
Grass + Domestic Animal = Milk and Fertilizer
Fabric + Ship = Frigate
Cement + Water = Concrete
Concrete + Bricks = House
Glass + House = Skyscraper
Grass + Swamp = Reed
Limestone + Fertilizer = Saltpeter
Saltpeter + Sulfur = Gunpowder
Weapon + Gunpowder = Firearm
Tools + Reed = Paper
Paper + Tobacco = Cigarette
Fabric + Human = Clothes
Feather + Paper = Book


Group: Yin-yang

Energy: Fire + Air
Electricity: Metal + Energy
Life: Energy + Swamp
Seeds: Life + Sand
Egg: Life + Stone
Sex: Human + Human
Blood: Human + Dinosaur
Poison: Tools + Snake

Group: Air

Air: Given
Steam: Water + Lava
Dust: Earth + Air
Storm: Air + Energy
Ash: Fire + Dust

Group: Animals

Dinosaur: Egg + Earth
Lizard: Egg + Swamp
Turtle: Egg + Sand
Bird: Egg + Air
Snake: Sand + Worm
Fish: Bacteria + Plankton
Whale: Plankton + Fish
Beast: Lizard + Earth
Domestic Animal: Human + Beast
Dolphin: Fish + Beast

Group: Structures/Materials/Civilization

Wood: Tools + tree
Field: Tools + Earth
Ceramics: Human + Clay
Bricks: Fire + Clay
Cement: Limestone + Clay
Fabric: Tools + Wool
Concrete: Cement + Water
Paper: Tools + Reed
Clothes: Fabric + Human
Book: Feather + Paper

Group: Earth

Earth: Given
Stone: Water + Lava
Metal: Fire + Stone
Sand: Air + Stone
Glass: Fire + Sand
Clay: Swamp + Sand
Limestone: Stone + Shell
Fertilizer: Grass + Domestic Animal

Group: Fire

Fire: Given
Lava: Fire + Earth
Coal: Fire + Tree
Sulfur: Bacteria + Swamp
Oil: Water + Coal
Saltpeter: Limestone + Fertilizer

Group: Plants

Tree: Seeds + Earth
Grass: Moss + Earth
Fern: Moss + Swamp
Tobacco: Grass + Fire
Reed: Grass + Swamp

Group: Food/Ingredients

Wheat: Seeds + Field
Meat: Hunter + Bird
Feather: Hunter + Bird
Beer: Alcohol + Wheat
Flour: Stone + Wheat
Dough: Water + Flour
Bread: Fire + Dough
Wool: Human + Domestic Animal
Milk: Human + Domestic Animal
Cigarette: Paper + Tobacco

Group: Humans

Human: Life + Golem
Wizard: Energy + Human
Alcoholic: Alcohol + Human
Demigod: Energy + Wizard
Hunter: Weapon + Human
Corpse: Poison + Human
Warrior: Weapon + Hunter
Hero: Dragon + Warrior
Assassin: Poisoned Weapon + Human

Group: Monsters/Creatures

Ghost: Life + Ash
Golem: Life + Clay
Vampire: Human + Blood
Treant: Life + Tree
Dragon: Fire + Dinosaur
Zombie: Life + Corpse
Ghoul: Zombie + Corpse
Thunderbird: Storm + Bird
Phoenix: Fire + Bird
Werewolf: Vampire + Beast

Group: Microorganisms

Bacteria: Life + Swamp
Weeds: Life + Water
Plankton: Bacteria + Water
Worm: Bacteria + Swamp
Moss: Weeds + Swamp
Shell: Plankton + Stone
Mushroom: Weeds + Earth
Beetle: Worm + Earth
Butterfly: Worm + Air
Scorpion: Beetle + Sand

Group: Industry

Boiler: Metal + Steam
Tools: Metal + Human
Steam engine: Coal + Boiler
Weapon: Metal + Tools
Poisoned Weapon: Weapon + Poison
Hut: Human + Stone
House: Concrete + Bricks
Skyscraper: Glass + House
Gunpowder: Saltpeter + Sulfur
Firearm: Weapon + Gunpowder

Group: Vehicles

Wheel: Tools + Wood
Cart: Wheel + Wood
Boat: Water + Wood
Car: Oil + Cart
Locomotive: Steam Engine + Cart
Airplane: Air + Car
Chariot: Beast + Cart
Ship: Boat + Wood
Steam ship: Steam Engine + Ship
Frigate: Fabric + Ship

Group: Water

Water: Given
Alcohol: Fire + Water
Vodka: Alcohol + Water
Swamp: Earth + Water

Hope this helps!