Here is a guide on how to beat that strange point-n-click game
Reemus: Chapter 1.
Level 1:

1. Click the little pod thing on the tree to the right of the creature. It will move to the right.
2. Click on the blue tail on the lower left to bring a snake to the bottom of the tree.
3. Click on the snake and while he's looking at Liam click on the left dangling orb thing to hypnotize it.
4. While it's hypnotized, click on it to tie it to the tree.
5. Click on the remaining pod thing to attract the snake to the creature and pull Reemus out.
Level 2:

1. Click on the torn flag on the lower left to make a slingshot out of the tree.
2. Click on the pole that was next to it and then click on the green well block to get it loose.
3. Click on the rod and put it in the mound of dirt to the right.
4. Click on the tree to pull it back and lock it into place.
5. Click on the green rock to put it in the slingshot and then click on it again to launch.
6. Click on the now destroyed rope to tie it to the flag.
7. Click on the rope.
Level 3:

1. Click on the big fish as it jumps to Liam's right.
2. Click on the suction plant to remove it.
3. Click on the "L" shaped spike on the left side to remove it.
4. Click on the biggest lily pad to bring it up out of the water. Click on it again to make a hooked rope. Click on it AGAIN to hook it to the basket.
5. Click on the big fish as it jumps again to stick it to the plant and attract the huge fish.
6. Click on Liam to slide down.
7. Click on the tail of the huge fish to connect the lily pad rope to it.
8. Click on the little grass leaves next to the bucket to have the bugs kill the planet and have the huge fish bring the bucket down.
9. Click on the bucket.
Level 4:

1. Click on the ax, then click the horizontal beam blocking the door 3 times to cut it down.
2. Click on the wheel of the wagon, then the spoke it was on to remove them.
3. Click on the spoke to put it in place in the puzzle.
4. Click on the ax, then the metal chain to the left to cut off the hook. Click the chain to remove it.
5. Click the chain put it in its place.
6. Click on the removed wheel to put it on the spoke, then click the chain to put it on the wheel, then click the spoke to open the door.
Level 5:

1. Click on the sack of bird seed to spill it.
2. Click on the chicken to open the little hut and distract the wolf.
3. Click on the right chicken to drop it and bring back the wolf.
4. Click on the clothesline mechanism to bring the towel over the wolf. Click the towel to drop it on him.
5. Click on the broken rope next to the birdseed to tie up the wolf.
6. Click on the point where the door touches the barricade, then the door.
Level 6 (Part 1):

Click on the door behind the thing twice to enter the blacksmith shop.
Blacksmith Shop:

1. Click on the sword, then the fire to heat it up. Then click on the hammer to temper it. Click on the grinding wheel to get it spinning, then finally use the sword on the wheel to perfect it.
2. Click on the spear in the back, then on the clamp next to the wheel. Click on the spear to remove the handle.
3. Use the sword to cut down the lantern hook and release some hot wax. Click on the spear to put wax on it, then click on the hook you cut off to make a hook tool.
4. Click on it and head back.
Previous room:
1. Click on the handle to the attic, watch the little scene, and then click on the weird puzzle on the left side.
Puzzle Solution:

Click on the rope in the closet and climb up to the attic.
Level 6 (Part 2):

Solution #1 (Bird Escape):
1. Click on the spoon locking the bird inside.
2. Click on the purple snack box on the lowest shelf to move it. Click on what was behind it to put it in the cauldron.
3. Mix blue and red to make purple (growing formula), stir it with the spoon, and use it on the flower.
4. Click on the cheese in the shelf and use it on the lever behind where the cage use to lure the mouse out.
5. Mix yellow and blue to make green (flying formula), stir, and use it on the mouse.
6. The mouse will open the compartment. Open the container and then click on it to put the pasta in the cauldron.
7. Click on the cauldron to bring out a rope.
8. Mix yellow and red to make orange (popcorn formula), stir, and use it on the plant.
9. The popcorn will attract the bird. Click on the rope to catch it.
10. Make another growth potion (purple) and use it on the bird to make your escape(?)

Solution #2 (Mouse Escape):
1. Click on the spoon locking the bird inside.
2. Click on the purple snack box on the lowest shelf to move it. Click on what was behind it to put it in the cauldron.
3. Mix blue and yellow for green (flying formula), but don't use it on anything yet.
4. Click on the cheese. Then click on the jam above it to make cheese sticky so the mouse gets stuck.
5. Use the flying formula on the mouse, but he will still be stuck. Make him grow with the purple formula and you'll be free(?)